Selasa, 18 Januari 2011

Lemon Swiss Roll

I have made no secret on here of my love of lemons. It's very clear that I can't get enough of them! Todd . . . well, he says lemon is not his favourite thing, but that fact doesn't seem to stop him from indulging in my cakes and cookies . . . it is my dream to have a lemon tree, filled to overflowing with lovely organic and unwaxed lemons . . . sigh . . .

This recipe is nothing more than a glorified Swiss Roll, scented and lightly flavoured with fresh lemon zest and filled with fabulous lemon curd. With it's crunchy coating of caster sugar, it's a delicious teatime treat!

Lemon Curd is something I always have in my house. I keep jars of it in the larder and then . . . I am kinda known for my own delicious Lemon Curd that I make myself from scratch . . . so good in fact, that you will be sorely tempted to eat it with a spoon! (You would be forgiven for doing so surely. It's that good!)

Lemon Curd is not that hard to make and once you have had homemade you will be kinda spoiled for ever truly being satisfied with store bought, seriously. It does make rather a lot, but you will be able to find lots of great uses for it, I promise.

You can fill little tarts with it, or fill ginger cookies with it . . . there is no end to it's tasty uses and in fact, you can find a whole list of recipes here that I use it in! (Enjoy!)

I love Swiss Rolls because they are . . . one-quick and easy and two-tasty, tasty, tasty!

This one goes down a real treat with a nice dollop of creme fraiche or even clotted cream if you should be so lucky. Alas . . . I didn't have either in the fridge today so we had it plain. We enjoyed it all the same, with nice hot cups of lemon ginger tea!!

Note to self** Don't forget to pick up some clotted cream asap.

*Lemon Swiss Roll*
Makes one 9 inch roll
Printable Recipe

If you love lemon like I love lemon, you will adore this delicious swiss roll! If you like you may use orange zest instead of the lemon and fill with orange marmalade for a change.

4 large free range eggs, room temperature
4 ounces caster sugar (a generous 1/2 cup)
the finely grated zest of one unwaxed lemon
4 ounces self raising flour (1 scant cup)

For filling:
4 heaped dessertspoons of good quality lemon curd

Preheat the oven to 220*C/425*F/ gas mark 7. Grease a 9 X13 swiss roll pan and then line with baking parchment.

Break the eggs into a large bowl and combine with the sugar and lemon. Beat with an electric whisk until the mixture is light and frothy and the beaters leave a trail in the beaten mixture when lifted out. Sift the flour into the mixture, folding it in as you go along. Pour into the prepared pan. Shake gently to level out.

Bake for 10 minutes in the heated oven until the sponge is golden brown and springs back when lightly touched.

Have a piece of baking parchment ready and laid out on the counter that is larger than the cake tin. Dust it with granulated sugar. When the cake is baked, invert the tin onto the sugared baking parchment. Quickly loosen and peel off the paper from the bottom of the cake. Trim off the edges with a sharp serrated knife. Make a score mark one inch from one of the shorter edges without cutting through the cake. Allow to cool slightly then spread with the lemon curd and roll up tightly from the cut end. Allow to cool completely before slicing to serve.

If you like you can dust with some icing sugar to serve.

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