Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011

Slice and Bake Oatmeal Cookies

I wish I had a pound for every time I have made these tasty cookies. I think I'd be a millionaire! A happy millionaire too, filled up with scrummy cookies!

They are so uncomplicated and easy to make. Most simple cookies are quite easy to make actually, usually following the same pattern . . . cream the sugar and fats, beat in the eggs, and any flavourings, and then stir in the flour and leavenings. Then you either roll them out and cut with cutters, or drop them onto baking sheets and bake.

These only vary slightly in that you shape them into logs, wrap and then chill. Then you simply slice and bake as many as you want to serve up fresh. The recipe does make a lot, but then again . . . the logs freeze really well too, so you will always have a log of fresh cookies ready to bake at a moment's notice. (Simply take out about an hour before you want to slice and bake them!)

This delicious recipe has all the nutritional homey goodness of regular oats, combined with your choice of flavours.

You can cater to your own family's particular tastes and whims. Here today I have chosen to use chopped walnuts, coconut, chopped apricots and dried cranberries. But feel free to use whatever strikes your fancy.

Dried cherries and white chocolate chips are awfully good as well!

Buttery and crisp . . . and moreishly scrummy. In short . . . the perfect Oatmeal Cookie!

*Slice and Bake Oatmeal Cookies*
Makes 4 dozen
Printable Recipe

Delicious and easy to make. Buttery and scrummy. You don't have to bake them all at once. Make up the logs, wrap well, and then freeze them. All you have to do then is just pull out one log at a time when you want a dozen fresh cookies!

8 ounces butter (1 cup)
8 ounces soft light brown sugar (1 cup packed)
7 ounces white sugar (1 cup)
2 large free range eggs, beaten
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp salt
7 ounces regular oats (3 cups)
7.6 ounces plain flour (1 1/2 cups)
1 tsp baking soda

1 cup of any of the following: flaked coconut, sultanas, chopped nuts,
chopped apricots, currants, dried cranberries, chocolate chips

Cream together the butter and sugars until light and creamy. Beat in the eggs, a bit at a time, along with the vanilla. Whisk together the flour and soda. Stir into the creamed mixture. Stir in the oats and any extras you wish to use. Shape into 4 logs, about 2 inches in diameter and 6 inches long. Wrap well and chill in the refrigerator until quite solid. (You may freeze at this point as well. I pop the well wrapped rolls into a plastic freezer container with a lid, cover and then freeze.)

When you are ready to bake, preheat the oven to 180*C/350*F/ gas mark 4. Lightly grease several baking sheets. Cut the chilled rolls into 1/4 inch thick slices. Place about 2 inches apart on the baking sheets.

Bake for 10 to 12 minutes until golden brown. They will be softer at 10 minutes, and crisper at 12. It all depends on how you like them. We like them crisp.

Let sit on the baking sheets for several minutes before scooping off and onto wire racks to cool completely. Store in a tightly covered container.

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