Minggu, 17 April 2011

Blueberry Sour Cream Dessert Cake

Here's that delicious dessert I hinted upon yesterday! Adapted from the same book as yesterday's lamb , Secrets from a Country Kitchen, by Lucy Young. When I read that it had been given to her from a Canadian friend of hers, I knew that I had to make it.

I grew up surrounded by wild blueberries. Long about August the gallon sized plastic ice cream pails would make their appearance and we knew that we were going to have to spend a couple of hot afternoons picking enough blueberries to fill them, and when you are talking about wild blueberries, you are talking a lot of berries and a LOT of picking!

It's not easy picking either as they are all on the ground and you have to crouch, crouch, crouch. It's back breaking work and was never my favourite thing to do, although I do have to say I really did enjoy the fruits of our labours . . . blueberry pies. My mom never baked muffins with them or made blueberry pancakes . . . just blueberry pies. We loved them though and one of the first things I want to have when I go home is one of her blueberry pies! (Along with her pea soup, cabbage rolls and home made baked beans of course! Not all at once though, lol, that would be gross, not to mention volatile!)

When I first moved over here to the UK, blueberries were very difficult to find, although they are very common here now. I remember going for a walk with Todd one time and finding what I thought were blueberries growing on a bush! I had never seen a cultivated blueberry, but I did know they grew on bushes and were quite a bit larget. I was so excited. I picked one and made Todd eat it right then and there, exclaiming about how delicious they were! It was not a blueberry. To this day I don't know what it was, but thankfully it must not have been poisonous as Todd lived to tell the tale!

Anyways, I just had to bake this dessert, finding out it came from a Canadian source, and I was not disappointed. A delicious cakey base stogged full of fresh blueberries and covered with a sour cream filling that becomes almost like a cheese cake. It's just wonderful!

*Blueberry Sour Cream Dessert Cake*
Serves 8
Printable Recipe

Sweet blueberries on top of a sponge cake crust and covered with a soured cream topping. Rich and delicious!

For the base:
225g of self raising flour (a scant 2 cups)
4 ounces butter, softened (1/2 cup)
4 ounces caster sugar (a scant 3/4 cup)
1 1/2 tsp of baking powder
1 large free range egg

For the filling:
1 pint of sour cream (2 1/2 cups)
6 ounces caster sugar (a scant cup)
2 large egg yolks
1 tsp vanilla extract
350g of fresh blueberries (3/4 of a pound)

Preheat the oven to 180*C/350*F/ gas mark 4. Butter a 9 inch springform tin. Set aside.

Measure the flour, butter, sugar, baking powder and egg into a bowl for the base. Beat together with an electric whisk until it all comes together as a soft dough. Knead a bit and then shape into a ball. Place into the prepared pan and push it into place to cover the bottom and sides. Sprinkle with the blueberries.

Beat together the sour cream, sugar, egg yolks and vanilla for the filling. Pour this over top of the blueberries.

Bake for about an hour, until the edges are golden brown and the filling is just set in the middle. Leave to cool in the tin. Once cold, transfer to a serving dish. Serve cold with extra blueberries if desired and dusted with a bit of icing sugar.

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