Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011

A Delicious Disaster . . .

I came to love Nutella rather late in life. I never really "got" the fascination with it until a few years ago. Then all of a sudden it clicked and I fell in love with it. Since then I have always kept a jar of it in my cupboard and of course use it at any opportunity that I can.

I've also come to admit to a certain fascination with five minute mug cakes in recent years. "Almost" instant gratification is certainly more than a bit of a temptation . . . especially when you have a sweet tooth, and love chocolate as I do. The Toddster hates chocolate, and most notably chocolate cakes . . . so a chocolate cake, built for one certainly has it's attraction where I am concerned. No waste involved.

I ran across a Five Minute Nutella Chocolate Mug Cake here. It certainly looked delicious to say the least! I had everything to make it, and I couldn't wait to get stuck in.

I wisked the dry ingredients together in the mug first, so that the cocoa wouldn't be all lumpy and would be evenly mixed in.

Then I added all the wet ingredients and whisked it again until smooth. Everything certainly looked pretty fine at this point. Into the microwave it went . . .

Buzz . . . humm . . . two minutes later I had this . . .

WOAH!! Ultimate overflow! And I used my biggest mug too! I can only think that the picture with the original recipe . . . which showed two mugs . . . should have been a really big clue. This is a two mugger cake!!

Nevermind . . . I dumped it all into a bowl and enjoyed it anyways. It was kinda like one of those fudge cakes that makes it's own sauce on the bottom . . . except it was better . . . coz . . .

1. It was mine . . . ALL mine!
2. It had nutella in it.
3. It was done and in my bowl in less than 5 minutes.

What could be better???

I do recommend if you make this that you divide it amongst two mugs. You will be pleasantly rewarded with two fudgy chocolate cakes and no mess. Or you can just throw caution to the wind and make a mess like I did. In any case you will enjoy. Trust me. (My directions reflect the changes I would make should I make this again, and I will make this again, no question!)

No Mitzie . . . chocolate cake is not for dogs. Sorry.

*Five Minute Nutella Mug Cake*
Makes 2 servings
Printable Recipe

Almost instant chocolate cake gratification. In a mug. Just for you.

4 TBS self raising flour
4 TBS sugar
3 TBS cocoa powder (not drink mix)
1 large free range egg
3 TBS nutella (YUMM!)
3 TBS milk
3 TBS vegetable oil

Whisk together the dry ingredients. Divide equally between two mugs. Whisk together the remaining ingredients until smooth. Divide these equally between the two mugs and again whisk each together until smooth. Cook each in the microwave (separately) for 1 to 2 minutes, until risen and set. Wait a few minutes and then serve.

Can top with whipped cream and chocolate sauce, or just a nice scoop of Vanilla Bean icecream.

Note: Mine was really fudgy, which I liked. If you don't want that result, then cook for a bit longer. I rather enjoyed the chocolate sauce.

Over in The Cottage today, a delicious Pumpkin Pie.

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