Kamis, 09 Februari 2012

Frozen Lemon Souffle

I cannot imagine my kitchen without a bowl of lemons sitting on the counter. Bright and sunny and oh-so-very handy for lots of things.

Lemons are probably one of my most used fresh ingredients. I usually buy the unwaxed ones, and even if a recipe calls only for the juice, I used my handy dandy microplane fine grater tool to remove the zest and I pop it into the freezer for later use.

And then there is candied lemon peel, so very easy to do, and so tasty. It's also quite handy to have on hand to use as garnishes for cakes and cookies, muffins, and desserts.

I also dry my own citrus peels to be used in cooking stews etc. Just remove the peel, without any of the white pith, and string it up on strings. Hang it in a dry place for a time, until completely dry and then store it in an airtight container. It comes in plenty handy as well. I once had to cook some shrimp for a dinner party starter at work, that called for three types of dried citrus peels, made into a powder to dust the shrimp with before cooking. You cannot imagine how happy I was to know I already had peel dried and at the ready to use!! It's very easy to dry lemon, lime and orange peels. You won't be sorry you did, and I'm sure you will find all sorts of uses for them.

Anyhoo, I digress again . . . lemons. My favourite ingredient and one that I use often.

Always with pleasure . . .

Like in this easy, very tasty and impressive dessert. Note - the finished dish contains raw eggs, so please take this into consideration before serving it to your guests.

*Frozen Lemon Souffle*
Makes 1 large, or 12 individual souffles
Printable Recipe

This is a fabulous dessert that is not only delicious but impressive. Perfectly light and tasty for after a heavy meal. This contains raw eggs so be careful not to serve it to the very elderly and the very young.

250g shortbread biscuits (1/2 pound or 8 ounces)
50g butter, melted (3 1/2 TBS)
4 large free range eggs, separated
the juice from two large lemons
the finely grated zest from two large lemons
185g of caster sugar, divided (scant cup)
1/8 tsp cream of tartar
1/8 tsp salt
375ml double cream (1 1/2 cups)
Lemon peel and black berries to garnish

Crush the shortbread biscuits in the food processor. Mix with the melted butter and blitz once more. Press the mixture into the bottom of a 9 or 10 inch spring form pan, or in the bottom of 12 3-inch rings that you have laid out on a cookie sheet lined with foil.

Beat the egg yolks in a large bowl. Add the lemon zest, lemon juice and 50ml of the sugar. Blend together well.

In another, but very clean, bowl, beat the egg whites until foamy. Beat in the cream of tartar and the salt. Continue to beat until soft peaks form. Gradually beat in the remaining sugar, beating until stiff peaks form.

Whip the cream in another bowl until soft peaks form.

Fold the egg whites and whipped cream into the egg yolk mixture. Spoon into the prepared pan(s). Cover with foil and freeze for at least 8 hours. Allow to soften in the fridge for 30 minutes before serving if you have made a large one. If you made small ones, you can warm the sides of the rings with your hands and push them out carefully. Place on individual plates and garnish with some lemon peel and blackberries.

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