Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

Grilled Apple, Bacon and Cheese Sarnie

If you are a regular reader here, you will recall me having received a hamper of meat from Piper's Farm several weeks ago, and a very fine hamper it was. We greatly enjoyed all that they sent. I am only now getting to try the bacon though, and I have to say it is the finest bacon I have ever tasted! I'm not making that up either, just because they gave it to me for free. I speak the truth.

It tastes just like bacon used to taste in the old days before supermarkets and plastic packaging. This tastes just like the bacon we used to get back home . . . home smoked and very flavourful. I have fallen in love with it.

From their page: Cured in our home-made brines, air-dried and smoked over oak, our bacon has a wonderful texture and flavour, crisps in the pan.

It is fabulous!

I chose to make a delicious bacon sandwich with some of it for our lunch today. I can't remember where I got the idea for this combination. I won't take credit for it. I saw it somewhere one day when I was surfing the www and it sounded delicious so I made a mental note of it.

Imagine a delicious sandwich, all buttery and toasted on the outsides . . . the insides spread with honey dijon mustard and stogged full of delicious smoked back bacon, sweet slices of apple and gooey scrummy melting farmhouse cheddar . . .

Are you there yet??? Can you taste it???

Go for it. You won't regret it . . . oh, your hips might groan a tiny bit, but all will be forgotten as soon as you sink your teeth into that first delicious bite.

*Grilled Apple, Bacon and Cheese Sarnie*
Make as many as you like or think you can eat
Printable Recipe

Ingredients vary according to how hungry you are or how much you like. Know only for sure that it is delicious!

two slices of sturdy bread (you choose, white, whole wheat, grainy, etc.)
cooked back bacon
a strong farmhouse cheddar cheese, cut into slices
a granny smith apple, washed, cored and cut into thin slices
Honey Dijon mustard
softened butter for spreadin on the outsides

Take your bread and spread both slices on the insides with some of the mustard, spreading it as thin or thick as you prefer. Top one slice with the cheddar cheese and bacon. Top the other one with the thinly sliced apple. Press both slices together with the ingredients on the insides. Butter the outsides, top and bottom.

Heat a nonstick frying pan over medium low heat. Place the sandwich in, apple side on the bottom, and butter to the pan. Cook gently over low heat until the bread is nice and toasty. Flip over and toast slowly on the other side until the cheese melts.

Note - You cannot rush a grilled cheese sandwich. Slow and steady over a low temperature is the key, oh and patience. That also helps. A tasty sandwich is it's own reward!

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