Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

The Best Carrot Salad

I sure hope you aren't tired of salad yet, because I have one more easy and delicious salad to show you here today . . . then I promise to give them a rest for a few days at least!

We love carrots in this house and in fact are growing and enjoying our very own carrots from the garden at the moment. I have never been overly fond of frozen carrots and so I have been using them up in any way that I can so, that they won't go to waste.

As you can imagine there have been some lovely carrot cakes, loaves and muffins . . . and yes, we've enjoyed them steamed and buttered with our suppers, and mixed with some of those lovely peas and mint we are also growing.

But carrots are not just for cakes, puddings and to be eaten as a cooked vegetable. They also make pretty delicious salads as well! (Yes, all of those coloured bits are links to my recipes for those particular things!)

We've been enjoying this particular salad for a couple of days now. It's one of those salads that kind of just taste better and better as the days go along and it marinates just that little bit more.

Crunchy and filled with lovely flavours, kind of sweet and sour, with a hint of spice and some chewy sweetness from the dried fruit. This delightful salad pleases on a lot of levels.

You don't have to add the coconut if you don't want to. I decided to add it at the last minute and we enjoyed the results.

This goes fabulously with grilled meats, chicken and even fish. I do hope you'll give it a try . . . and I promise to have something a bit more exciting for you to look at tomorrow than a salad. Cross my ! (Chocolate comes to mind, but that's just a hint. I'm being cheeky I know!)

*Carrot Salad*
Serves 4 to 6
Printable Recipe

Refreshingly light, with a sweet and sour tang.

3 large carrots, peeled and grated
2 spring onions, finely chopped
a small handful of flat leaf parsley, chipped
a large handful of mixed fruit (raisins, currants, chopped peel, etc.)
a handful of flaked coconut
3 TBS vegetable oil
2 TBS Apple Cider Vinegar
1/2 tsp ground cumin
salt and black pepper to taste.

Combine all the ingredients in a bowl and allow to sit for at least 15 minutes before serving.
This will keep for several days, covered, in the refrigerator.

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