Selasa, 30 Agustus 2011

Store Cupboard Lasagne Pie

During the week I like to cook things that are quick and easy most of the time . . . unless we are having company. That leaves me more time to do things like paint, or sew . . . or just laze around. ahem . . .

Okay, I bake too. I love to bake. I often bake . . . cakes and cookies and other delectables. *blush*

I love dishes that use ingredients that I always have in my store cupboard. I always keep a package of fresh lasagne sheets in the freezer and pasta sauces on the shelves of my larder. I also usually have ham and olives and cheese in the fridge.

Just the right things to throw together this tasty Store Cupboard Lasagne Pie! Easy does it! It goes together lickety split and you can have it on the table in less than 45 minutes tops.

All you need is a salad to go along with it and perhaps some crusty bread and you have one happy family.

They'll think you slaved all day . . . but only you and I will know how very little effort it took. Delicious! (I think we all have a few lazy recipes up our sleeves, truth be told, and this is one of mine!)

*Store Cupboard Lasagne Pie*

Serves 4

Printable RecipeLink

Quick, easy and oh so delicious!

150g pack of fresh lasagne sheets (1/2 pound)

1 (350g) jar of tomato basil and garlic pasta sauce (about 2 cups)

(I like Napolina, it tastes most like the Prego sauce from home.)

1 (350g) jar of white sauce for lasagne (about 2 cups)

a good handful of marinated green olives, halved

8 slices of baked ham

2 ounces of grated cheddar cheese (1/2 cup)

2 ounces grated mozzarella cheese (1/2 cup)

2 heaped dessertspoons of finely grated parmesan cheese

freshly grated black pepper

Put the lasagne sheets in a large bowl and pour boiling water over top. Leave for five minutes and then drain. Set aside.

Preheat the oven to 190*C/375*F/ gas mark 5.

Mix all the cheeses together in a bowl. Set aside.

Spoon a couple of spoonfuls of tomato sauce in the bottom of a 9 inch pie pan. Lay on three lasagna sheets crosswise to cover. Spread another dollop of sauce over top. Top with half of the ham. Spoon over a couple of dollops of the white sauce. Sprinkle on 1/3 of the cheese and the olives. Lay another three lasagna sheets over top and repeat with the tomato sauce, remaining ham,white sauce, and 1/3 of the cheese and olives. Top with a final 3 lasagne sheets and then spoon on a few more dollops of tomato sauce, the white sauce, the remaining cheese and olives. Give a good grind of black pepper.

Bake for about 15 to 20 minutes until the cheese is golden brown and the whole thing is bubbling. Remove from the oven and let sit for 5 minutes before cutting into wedges to serve.

Cooking in The Cottage today, an Old Fashioned Escalloped Macaroni and Cheese!

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