Senin, 28 November 2011

Lemon Glazed Cinnamon Scrolls

There was a similar recipe to this printed in the January issue of Sainsbury's magazine, which is usually a very good magazine . . . in fact it is generally one of my favourites. In fact I generally pounce upon it as soon as it pushes it's way through my post box and I devour each page slowly as if at a feast . . . I just can't wait to see what Nigel Slater is up to each month. (This issue is spicey treat!)

The instructions on this recipe however . . . left a great deal to the imagination. (Not one of Nigel's I hasten to add! He would never let us down so . . . ) There was not even a baking temperature was included. If one didn't have a sound knowledge . . . as simple as they are . . . one might have been quite confused.

Marie to the rescue. I do have a sound knowledge of baking and lots of experience and have made many similar things to this, and often and so I sorted it out. I can only think that it must have been an oversight on the part of Sainsbury's as they are usually very good . . .but then again, nobody is perfect, mais oui! (Not even me! ☺)

These are perfect little flakey bites . . . stogged full of cinnamon sugar and glazed with butter and demerara sugar before baking. (The sugar is my own addition to give added crunch)

Baked until golden brown . . . and then glazed with a tangy lemon drizzle icing, these would be perfect a hot drink for elevenses . . . or for a special tea with the gals, or even just when you feel like indulging yourself just a tiny little bit.

After all the holidays are almost upon us and there is nothing like a tiny bit of self indulgence to bring a smile to one's face and a lift to one's weary feet!! Nom! Nom!

*Lemon Glazed Cinnamon Scrolls*
Makes 12
Printable Recipe

Perfect little puffed bites, stogged full of cinnamon and glazed with a tangy sweet lemon drizzle. Delicious!

1 package of all butter puff pastry
2 heaped tsp of ground cinnamon
4 TBS of demerara sugar (Turbinado)
2 TBS butter melted
more demerara sugar for sprinkling
For the glaze:
8 TBS of sifted icing sugar
the juice of half a lemon

Preheat the oven to 220*C/425*F/ gas mark 7. Line a large baking sheet with parchment. Set aside.

Unroll your puff pastry, leaving it on the liner paper. Combine the cinnamon and sugar. Sprinkle evenly over top of the pastry. Starting at one short end and using the liner paper to help you, roll up tightly as a jelly roll, up to the centre of the pastry. Flip around and then repeat from the other side, again meeting in the middle. Place in the refrigerator to chill for about 15 minutes. Remove from the refrigerator and cut into 12 equal slices. Place evenly spaced and leaving at least 3 inches between each, onto the baking sheet. Flatten slightly with the palm of your hand and brush each with some of the melted butter. Sprinkle with some of the demerara sugar

Bake for 12 to 15 minutes until crisp and golden brown, checking after 12 minutes. Remove from the oven and allow to cool completely.

Whisk together the glaze ingredients until smooth, only adding enough lemon juice to give you a smooth drizzle. Drizzle decoratively over the cinnamon slices. Allow to set before serving. Store in an airtight container.

Cooking in The Cottage today . . . The French Wedge, a delicious salad with a tangy dressing, roquefort cheese, toasted nuts and creamy slices of avocado!

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