Sabtu, 02 Juli 2011

Lemon, Limoncello & Raspberry Syllabub

One of my favourite cooking magazines has to be Jamie. I can't wait for it to hit the shelves each month. I really need to subscribe! (I tell myself that every month, and then I forget!) If I don't there will come a month soon that it will be sold out at the newsagents and I won't be able to get my hands on that issue.

I always, always, always end up cooking at least a third of the recipes in the magazine, if not more. That's the truth. His food is fresh, innovative and delicious and there's not an awful lot of faff involved either. Anyone can cook it.

The latest issue is the Barbeque issue/June/July 2011 and it's filled with some lovely stuff.

As soon as I bought it I earmarked several recipes to try. This was one of them. The picture in the magazine looked so fresh and delicious.

I was not disappointed. I always have a bottle of Limoncello in the larder. (Doesn't everyone?) You can easily make your own so it needn't be expensive. Giada has a recipe here. I love fresh raspberries. I love lemons. Combining the two with a creamy limecello spiked syllubub is genius, pure genius!

Just be careful not to overwhip your cream though, or you'll end up having to throw it away. It's really, really important that you only whip it until it is light and frothy. Lemons react with cream and thicken it pronto, so you do NOT want it whipped even until you get soft mounds . . . just light and frothy. Trust me. It will work.

This dessert was light. It was delicious. It was easy. I was quick. In one word . . . Perfect!

*Lemon, Limoncello & Rasberry Syllabub*
Serves 6
Printable Recipe

Creamy, delicious and refreshingly light (texture that is!). Perfect dessert for after the Barbeque.

70g of caster sugar (a scant 1/3 cup)
the juice of two lemons
100ml of limoncello, plus extra to serve (optional) (1/3 cup)
350ml of double cream (1 1/2 cups)
400g of fresh raspberries (about 3/4 pound)

Place the caster sugar, lemon juice and limoncello into a saucepan. Gently heat over low heat, stirring to dissolve the sugar completely. Taste and adjust amount of sugar as necessary, if you would like it to be a bit sweeter. Set aside to cool.

Whip the cream just until it is light and billowy. You don't want it to form even soft peaks as it will thicken greatly when you add the lemon syrup. Pour the cooled lemon syrup into the cream, folding it in gently as you go. It will thicken remarkably. You may or may not need it all. You want a softly whipped consistency.

Mash the raspberries lightly with a fork. Gently stir them through the cream to cause a ripple, without over stirring. (You don't want your cream mixture turn pink.

Spoon into shallow glasses and chill until you are ready to serve. If you want you can serve these with an additional splash of limoncello on top. I didn't do this as I had extra lemon syrup and I just drizzled a bit of that on top. Delicious!!

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